When the ceramic floor tiles get old, we like to replace them with new tiles. One of the cost-effective methods suggested for small sizes and strong tiles is gluing ceramic on ceramic. In the first place, this offer is very tempting and we would like to easily decorate our home with this work. But maybe knowing the disadvantages of gluing ceramic on ceramic, you will give up this work. Of course, using glue to stick ceramic tiles together has many advantages, which we will examine in this article from Kashiran.

gluing ceramic on ceramic; Yes or no?
The answer to this question depends on many things. Let’s see how we can use the gluing technique to renovate the floor:

If you use high-quality glue
There are many ceramic tile adhesives in the market. But why do many experts and ceramic tile installers not recommend this method at all? Because most of the glues that exist are of such poor quality that the result of their work becomes disastrous in the medium and long term. But if you use good adhesives like pomex and the above conditions are met, there will be no problem.

If the space you want is small
If you want to ceramicize the floor of a small space or even if you intend to change wall tiles that are small, you can use ceramic tile adhesive.

If the old ceramic tile (which is used as a substrate) is relatively healthy
The surface is always important. If your foundation is bad, the new ceramic tile will not stick well and the result of your work will be ruined. So, if the old ceramic tile is broken, poor quality and uneven, we do not recommend gluing the new ceramic on the old ones at all. But if the bottom surface is suitable; why not?

Advantages of ceramic bonding over previous ceramics
The first advantage is that this will reduce your costs dramatically; This is because eliminating the previous ceramic and tile digging operation eliminates a large part of the costs of workers and cleaning, etc. On the other hand, there is the cost of the foundation after removing the previous coating, which is removed from you with this method (of course, provided that the previous ceramic coating is healthy and uniform).

Another important advantage is saving time. If you have the right conditions for gluing ceramic on ceramic, you don’t need to do many steps and this means that the work will be done in the shortest possible time. But let’s go to one of the most important concerns of reconstruction: dirty work! Just removing the underlying ceramic and installing a new tile on it is such a dirty job that sometimes it is better to stop it and stick the new ones on the previous ones.

Disadvantages of gluing ceramics on previous ceramics
As we said, the use of ceramic tile glue is justified when you use a very good glue. If your glue is of poor quality, the new coating may not adhere well to the previous one, and after a while water and dirt will penetrate the bottom layer, causing the growth of fungus, bacteria, and eventually ceramic separation.

On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of gluing ceramics together is that the height of the surface becomes higher than normal. So, before starting work, you should pay attention to the distance between the doors and the floor. If increasing the height of the floor interferes with the opening and closing of the door, it is better not to use this method because in this case you have to cut the doors from the bottom as well, which creates a very unpleasant appearance and possibly a lot of cost.

If you want to stick ceramic on ceramic, you must first make sure that the desired surface is completely level. If your surface is uneven, the new surface will be uneven. In addition, this situation makes the new ceramics not fit well on the old ceramics.

This method is only used for surfaces where all the tiles are healthy and without cracks, wear and lifting. If some tiles are damaged, some cannot be removed and some can be left. Because a wide unevenness is created, which also looks bad. Therefore, before this work, the surface must be checked and if it has the mentioned problems, all the tiles must be removed and new tiles must be installed.